GDR Nanoperando 2022


NanOperando GDR thematic school

The first thematic school of the GDR NanOperando will be held from September 12 to 15, 2022 at the Synchrotron SOLEIL in Gif-Sur-Yvette and Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau.

These scientific days aim to present the theoretical and practical aspects of numerous in situ / operando techniques which make it possible to study the structural dynamics of materials in a liquid or gaseous environment. Through lectures and practical work organized around two transmission electron microscopes (Nanomax and Nan'eau), a scanning tunneling microscope and no less than 5 synchrotron beamlines (TEMPO, SIXS, SAMBA, ROCK and HERMES), we hope to cover the immense thematic diversity of the GDR NanOperando and highlight the latest technical developments allowing the study of (nano)materials as close as possible to real conditions and to show the contribution of atomistic simulations in the interpretation of results.

This free training but with the number of places limited to 30 participants will be an opportunity for young (and not so young) researchers to gain a practical understanding of the scientific landscape that surrounds them and to identify opportunities for collaboration on a national scale.

exclamation_mark_4.pngThe GDR offers free accommodation provided in the SOLEIL Guest House for the 30 participants.




Intro générale, Gianluigi BOTTON - Canada Research Chair in Electron Microscopy of Nanoscale Materials, Science Director of Canadian Light Source

TEM gas, Jaysen NELAYAH - MPQ Paris 

TEM liquide, Arnaud DEMORTIERE - RS2E, Université de Picardie, Amiens

Diffraction de rayons X, Yves GARREAU - MPQ Paris & Synchrotron SOLEIL  

Microscopie à sonde locale, Emanuel MAISONHAUTE - UPMC Paris

Absorption de rayons X, Emiliano FONDA - Synchrotron SOLEIL

Photoémission de rayons X (NAP - Near Ambient Pressure), Jean-Jacques GALLET - UPMC & Synchrotron SOLEIL 

Microscopie de rayons X en transmission, Sufal SWARAJ - Synchrotron SOLEIL


NANOMAX (TEM gas), Mimoun AOUINE - IRC Lyon, Ileana FLOREA - LPICM Palaiseau, Hakim AMARA - Onera Paris (modélisation théorique), Hazar GUESMI - ENSCM Montpellier (modélisation théorique)

NAN'EAU (TEM liquide), Eric LARQUET - LPMC Palaiseau, Dris IHIAWAKRIM - IPCMS Strasbourg

Microscope à effet tunnel, Fouad MAROUN - LPMC Palaiseau, Emanuel MAISONHAUTE - UPMC Paris

ligne TEMPO (NAP-XPS), Jean-Jacques GALLET - UPMC & Synchrotron SOLEIL, Stephane CARNIATO - UPMC Paris (modélisation théorique)

SIXS (DRX), Alina VLAD - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Yves GARREAU - MPQ Paris & Synchrotron SOLEIL 

SAMBA (EXAFS), Emiliano FONDA - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Andrea Zitolo - Synchrotron SOLEIL

ROCK (EXAFS), Valérie BRIOIS - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Anthony Beauvois - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Asma TOUGERTI - Université Lille  

HERMES (STXM), Stefan STANESCU - Synchrotron SOLEIL, Sufal SWARAJ - Synchrotron SOLEIL

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